Ron's Links Page 
See also my bookmarks at Backflip
and my online hotlist, both of which are
unannotated, but probably more current, with thousands of links.
Computing Links
...with several links to various computing-centered pages, mostly
Mac sites
HyperArchive ROOT ... a mirror of Sumex, the central repository
of Mac software on the Internet.
- U. Mich. Archive
... the WWW front end for the famous and beloved U. Mich. site.
Not as nicely organised as the Info-Mac HyperArchive above, but
still better than trying to FTP in...
... a great e-newsletter for Mac enthusiasts. Also has links
to various info files, FAQs, and shareware.
- MacTech ...
all the articles ever published in
MacTech Magazine. I eventually bought the excellent
CD-ROM. More proof that you can make money by giving things away
for free.
- Macintosh TeX/LaTeX
Software Page .... so you've got FunnelWeb on your Mac but
don't know where to go to get TeX and LaTeX? This is where.
- FunnelWeb ...
an unbelievably NEAT tool, available free on many platforms.
FunnelWeb is a versatile "literate programming" preprocessor
that is completely language-independent -- you can use it to
program in C, Java, BASIC, Intercal... It will produce documentation
in TeX, and in some versions, LaTeX and even HTML. But it's more;
FunnelWeb's author uses it in a lucrative business designing
WWW pages. It's great for designing pages with a consistent look
and feel. I used it for this site. I may eventually upload my
own compiled binary of FunnelWeb 3.05AC, a souped-up FunnelWeb,
for the Mac.
- The
BASIC Archive ... This is a, if not the, central repository
for BASIC info on the Web.
DiscoSlacks Links
... which hath not much to do with tight white polyester pants,
but everything to do with Discordianism and SubGenius: the search
for SLACK.
- ...
more than you wanted to know about "Bob". The OFFICIAL
SubGenius site, run by Ivan Stang. Plus lots of "free"
software (you don't want to know what you're giving up in exchange).
Related Heresies and Mutations:
- The Universal Life Church
... The original ordain-everybody-by-mail-for-free
church. You too can become a legally-ordained minister, online even.
Futopia Links
... links to science that manages to squeeze into the Conspiracy's
paradigm, but that's still out there.
Better, Faster, Stronger...
- Anders
Transhuman Page ... Again, Anders has collected a terrific
bunch of links to stuff all over the Web designed to bring down
the Gods' wrath upon us for our hubris.
- Extropy Institute ...
I don't really agree with their ethics or politics, but
you'll find a lot of gonzo stuff here.
- "Functional Mods and Antique
Rockers" ... an essay of mine on self-modification from
Singularity #1.
Grimoire Links
...If you live in an area like Kentucky where finding books on magick
is almost an esoteric art in itself, you might appreciate this
listing of bookstores, publishers, and book distributors on the
Web that specialise in the occult.
Pride of Place
...goes to two particular favourites of mine.
- As You Like It Library ... a non-profit subscription
"metaphysical library" here in Seattle. 12,000
volumes. Priceless. NOTA BENE: They will handle
subscriptions by mail, so you can use this library even if you live
nowhere near it. I urge you to support this library.
(I no longer have a link to this library. Does anyone know what
the URL is?)
- Kessinger Publishing
produces fine reproductions of many WAY, WAY out-of-print books
on topics occult. These are books from the 19th and early 20th
centuries (and some from even earlier) that are simply unobtainable
anywhere else. You can download an Adobe Acrobat file of their
catalog of over 1000 reprints at their site. A must-see.
Other Good Bets
- Thaddeus
Books ... I've dealt with Thaddeus, and I'm very happy with
them. Even if you don't have a credit card, they'll ship your
book as soon as you tell them the check is in the mail. What
service! What trust in the human spirit! And they have good taste
in occult books too. Tell Jerry where you saw the link.
- Juxta Publishing ...
a Baha'i publisher out of Hong Kong.
... corny name, great selection of Judaica
(books and online resources). Plenty of obscure Kabbalistic stuff.
Just one question: JUDAISM.COM? What's next,
( wouldn't surprise me a bit...)
- Llewellyn
Online ... Yup, it's Llewellyn Publications. You either love
'em or you hate 'em. Me, I love 'em, what with their publishing
great Qabalistic compendia like The Key of It All.
I've even come to love some of the stuff I used to hate, like
the "Llewellyn Practical Guide" series, which actually
conceals a great deal of useful knowledge in cloying baby-talk
for non-magicians.
- Magitech
[CREW] ... You've seen the crude, hand-lettered
ads in magick zines, now see the website! Overpriced, badly-printed
books and outrageously expensive "radionics" devices.
Personally, I wouldn't, as the saying goes, trust this bunch
further than I could comfortably spit them. (Remember, this is
a CREW link.)
- Abaxion
[CREW] ... Looks like
miscellaneous occult books and supplies with a specialty in Wicca.
(Review forthcoming.)
The Dark Side of the Force
- Atomic Books ...
dark, "hip" books.
- Feral House ...
really, really dark "hip" books.
- PolyEster
... dark "hip" books from Australia.
- Loompanics ... you
wouldn't believe some of the stuff Loompanics
publishes. A publisher that lives by the First Amendment, God
bless it. Mostly not occult, but it does have some, and you just
have to learn about "The Best Book Catalog in the World"!
- Luxor
Press, Inc. [CREW] ... Thelema.
Non-Usan Bookstores
Anders Sandberg pointed out that this page is mostly good for
people in North America. For easy access, here's a grouping of
occult bookstores outside the U.S., most on other continents.
IF Links
... full of links
on topics surrounding interactive fiction, collaborative writing,
and computer-generated art.
Adventure-Style IF:
... by which I mean interactive fiction in the mode of Infocom
(e.g. Zork, Trinity, and A Mind Forever
- Inform Programming
... Although I am partial to TADS, Inform
is the compiler/language which comes closest to TADS in power
and flexibility.
- OZ
Project Home Page ... these people are tying together command-line
parsing with emotional representation, knowledge bases, and other
AI techniques to bring IF to the next level.
Hypertext-Style IF:
... the other main branch of the interactive fiction tree,
as exemplified by Michael Joyce's Afternoon and Stuart
Moulthrop's Victory Garden.
- Hyperizons
... The premier survey of hyperfiction links on the Web.
- Stuart Moulthrop ...
one of the foremost writers of the Eastgate School. Highlights on
this page are excerpts from Victory Garden, and Stuart's
hypertextual guide to Alan Moore's comix series Watchmen.
- Eastgate Systems Home
Page ... speaking of the Eastgate School, here's Eastgate's
home page.
Computer-Generated Writing:
... stochastic text generation and other techniques à
Collaborative Writing:
- The
Superguy Home Page ... a collaborative writing project that's
been going for years and years, centered in a superhero universe.
- The
Commonplace Book ... Add your favorite quotations from anywhere
in the literary ideosphere.
- WAXweb ...
a collaborative annotation of the cult film WAX, or the Discovery
of Television Among the Bees. Includes video snippets.
- Twisty
Pages ... This site has a lot of info on both "adventure"
and "hypertext" IF. Not to be missed is the really
cool HTML index to, the
main archive.
Mad Science Links
...a bunch of links to science that the New Inquisition (TM) branch
of the Conspiracy would consider slightly, ah, suspect
- Cold
Fusion Technology Homepage ... the technology that wouldn't
die. Research is still going on in hundreds of labs (at, e.g.,
would you believe, Toyota?) and the effect has been reproduced.
Learn more about CF on this MIT homepage, home[boy|girl].
- The Kooks Museum
...a great site from Donna Kossy, author of Feral House's Kooks
and editor of the zine of the same name. No longer being maintained.
- Arkuat's
Meme Workshop ... Memetics seems to be falling into disrepute.
I don't care. It doesn't have to be Technocracy-approved SCIENCE
to be useful.
Magick Links
... a page
around topics magickal (i.e. Qabalah and such, as opposed to prestidigitation).
Magickal Orgs:
The Servants of the Light ... The only one of the dozen or
so Golden Dawn offshoots I wrote to who gave me the impression
of having something solid behind them. They claim it's because
they're a "contacted school." Highly recommended.
Pagan and Mythological Pages:
Miscellaneous Magick-Related:
Anders Mage Page ... Anders Sandberg
does it again! This is actually a page for the role-playing game
Mage, but there is a great deal of actual magickal knowledge
- Magical
Blend Online... Yep, it's the online home of Magical Blend
magazine. You can get some, but not all, articles from
issues of the magazine here.
- The
Monroe Institute ... Home of Robert Monroe, author of the
groundbreaking Journeys Out of the Body and inventor
of Hemi-Sync technology. This should almost go in my Mad
Science Links.
Planlingvoj Links
... Planlingvoj (pron. plan-LING-voy) is Esperanto
for "planned languages," languages that, like Esperanto,
were consciously designed (including Loglan/Lojban,
Klingon, Elvish, and many less well-known.)
Esperanto Pages:
- Multlingva
Inform-Centro ... the Multilingual Information
Center is the best place to go to get Esperanto information in
dozens of different languages, including English. Click on your
country's flag to get information in your language.
- Esperanto
Access ... one of the best places to go for Esperanto
information in English. Contains a large library of Esperanto texts.
Loglan/lojban resources
... A language based on propositional logic
that was featured in Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
- ...
Lojban is a spin-off of Loglan, but
the lojban people have the better-developed language.
"Imaginary" languages:
... the distinction between "imaginary" conlangs
and the other kind being that "imaginary" ones were
created for science fiction or fantasy, or are otherwise supposed
to be the language of an imaginary people.
- The Klingon Language Institute
... the home for 20th century Terran study of the language and
culture of everybody's favourite Star Trek aliens.
- The
Tolkien Language List Archive ... Quenya, Sindarin, the Black
Speech, Westron, Khuzdul, all the languages of Tolkien's Middle
Earth are discussed here. PLUS, plenty of other Tolkien links.
- Constructed
languages ... Richard Kennaway's page of miscellaneous "conlang"
resources. Very good.
- Micronations on the Web ...
I prefer to call them "nanonations"
because they generally have ~1/10^9 of the world's population
as citizens. The U.S. Government calls them "ephemeral states."
Most people call them "imaginary countries." Whatever
you call them, this is the page for them. Some of these nanonations
have their own languages, like Talossan.
Polyticks Links
...Polyticks: noun, from Greek poly,
"many," and English ticks, "blood-sucking
insects," hence "many blood-sucking insects."
Here's a page to help us get them off our backs.
- LETSystems
Home Page ... Alternative currency systems. Simple!
- Oceania: The Atlantis Project
... Money, hell, these people are starting their OWN COUNTRY! Sure,
they're all snot-nosed little capitalists, but I'll probably at least
VISIT.... Sadly, this site seems not to have been updated since 1995.
See also Planlingvoj Links for
"nanonations" with their own languages.
- The Libertarian Party
... what would a Usan polytickal page be without a link to a prominent
Usan "third" party? Also capitalists, but their platform is comparatively
- Positive Revolution
FAQ ... how to do good without doing harm at the same time.
Reference Links
...A page of reference materials, as if everything on the Web weren't
reference material.
- The On-line
Books Page of the many pages on the Web for locating
electronic books; this is the best one, methinks, and will get
you to most of the others.
- Everton Publishers
... A page for genealogy buffs; I'm just starting for the seventh
- Open Directory Project ... a
grand index of the Web. And it's free (as in free speech).
Sophia Links
...Sophia: Greek for "Wisdom", the ancient
Gnostic goddess. This is a page for philosophers (lovers of Sophia) and
those who worship Her, knowingly or not.
- Boethius:
Consolation of Philosophy ... the classic medieval text.
Sophia Herself makes an appearance as the Goddess Philosophy.
- The
Human Evasion by Celia Green ... someone once wondered why
students of David Hume (who denied the existence of causality
and said people are merely "bundles of perception")
don't bark like dogs and leave their conferences via the windows.
Celia Green asks why most people don't take seriously the idea
that the Universe might vanish suddenly like a soap bubble, or
even address the Question of Why There is Something Rather Than
Nothing. The answer, she says, is a social construction called
- Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy ... a burgeoning philosophical resource, with
sophisticated articles on many topics, with more on the way.
- Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy ... much like the Stanford project, but articles
are generally shorter and of lesser quality. Still, covers some
topics that the Stanford Encyclopedia does not.
Weird Sex Links
...weird sex, weird sex, whatcha gonna do? Sometimes you get tired
of vanilla and you want ice cream flavours Baskin-Robbins just
ain't got, like Jalapeño, Guinness Stout, or green tea...
- Summum Bonum Amen Ra ... An
organisation that has been, you might say, masturbating religiously
since 1975.
- You'll probably learn more, er, handy information about
masturbation at these two sites, though: Jackinworld.Com (I was going to
print out all the ways you can masturbate on this site, but I ran out
of paper), and Let's
Masturbate (yes, let's!).
- XXXenophile Online
... the coolest erotic comic books I have ever read, bar none. Science
fiction/fantasy with a wonderful wicked sense of humour, great illoes,
and really hot, imaginative stories. There's also a
XXXenophile collectible card game -- picture a pornographic
Magic: The Gathering.
- The Journal Entries ... The complete set, from way
back. Has a lot in common with XXXenophile, above. Larry Niven
actually had his lawyers send a cease-and-desist letter to the author
(Elf Sternberg) for using his furry sapient felinoid aliens (think
bipedal tigers), the Kzinti. Now they're called Felinzi. Niven
lambasted Elf for bad writing, but the Journal Entries are a
godzillion times better than the crap Niven is cranking out
these days. Keep counting your money, Larry; at least Elf still has a
soul. (Oh oh; this page seems to be down at the moment.
Maybe it's moving somewhere else. Try a Google search for
"elf sternberg".)
- Adult
Interactive Fiction Archive ... Remember Infocom? Remember Zork?
Remember Colossal Cave? Now imagine them with sex. This site also has
a section on programming adult IF. (For information on non-erotic IF,
see my IF Links.)
- Origami Underground
... Erotic origami? Yup. Man. Weird. Some of it is even animated.
- Blowfish ... the best sex
store of which I am aware. They sell some really unusual stuff, like
something called the Violet Wand. This is a sex toy that employs
electrical stimulation: you can charge up your whole body so that when
you touch your partner(s), sparks fly. Well, there aren't sparks,
really, but you get the idea.
- Salon
have articles about teledildonic devices: what are basically vibrator
controllers that attach to a ports on a your computer and increase or
decrease vibration based on keywords in a chat window or some other
command given remotely. I used to have a link to a company that
offered one of these things here, but "fly-by-night" doesn't begin to
describe these outfits -- try "fly at noon."
- Realdoll ... probably the
most realistic sex doll on the planet -- not a blowup doll. I
have to say I find them, er... attractive myself, and I'm not into
dolls. If they ever give these things AI, Goddess help the human
race; we'd better hope we have human cloning by then.
- Sybian and Venus 2000 ...
the Sybian is a ridable phallic vibrator, and the Venus 2000, well,
it's "a high-tech one-of-a-kind, hands-free masturbation machine
with a high powered stroking action that will give you a natural and
memorable orgasm. It is easy to use: simply insert your penis into a
lubricated, flexible, natural gum rubber liner inside a plastic
tube. Turn on Venus... and adjust it to the stroking length and speed
you prefer." Kind of like an automatic Austin Powers Swedish-made
penis enlarger pump (baby).
- The Bungee Sexperience
... a sling you attach to your ceiling that lets you experience
something like zero-gee right down here on Earth.
(or, it takes all kinds in the Age of AIDS)
- Welcome to! ... Someone I know lost his virginity to a sock
puppet. Fortunately, to the best of my knowledge, it didn't scar
him for life. These folks it did. The complexity of their
subculture is astonishing. And for some reason practically all of
them have very strong feelings for Mattel's Pocahontas
raccoon puppet...
... This guy takes the pictures of those pneumatic valkyries they have in
Penthouse, and photoshops them with brow ridges and hi-tech
weaponry so they look like Klingons. (He does it for men too, using
bodybuilder photos.) I mean really! This takes "Get a life!" where no
man has gone before! (Don't tell anyone I kept a couple of the photos
myself.) Warning: This site can be slooowww...
- Yahoo!
Companies : Sex ... mostly vanilla retailers, but a lot of
the commercial links on this page were filtered out from this
What if legislators who passed unconstitutional laws
were fined or imprisoned? Think about it.
Back to Ron's Info-Closet
I am a CREW
Ron Hale-Evans